True to its name, this bouquet of ruby red rose flowers represent to you a simplest yet a passionate way of expressing your love to him or her. This 12 red roses bouquet consists of red roses and seasonal flowers packed in transparent wrapping paper and finished with a ribbons.
Caring Tips
Gently remove the bouquet wrapping and any outer guard petals if needed
Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle by about one to two inches to promote water absorption
Fill a clean vase with fresh water
Remove any leaves below the waterline to avoid bacterial growth
Add a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice or flower food to the water for extra nourishment
Place the vase in a cool spot with indirect sunlight, away from heat sources or draughts
Change the water every two days and trim the stems to keep the roses fresh longer
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Product Reviews
Customer Images
Shrinath Chate
11th Sep 2022
Occasion : Birthday
Good Experience.Thanks Floweraura...?❤️?
Yash Patel
12th Sep 2022
Occasion : Love & Romance
It was superb. Fresh, on time delivery and better looking than the picture ♥ totally recommend it.