As if plucked from an ethereal garden, this bouquet of delicate blooms is an ode to elegance and charm. The magnificent display of 50 deep red roses, each blooming with passion and grace, is mesmerizing. The bouquet is adorned with delicate white Gypso that embraces the border, a perfect contrast to the vibrant red petals. The exquisite arrangement is wrapped in pristine white non-woven paper, enhancing the bouquet's allure. It embodies beauty and sophistication, a mesmerizing sight to behold.
Caring Tips
Start by removing the bouquet wrapper.
Cut the stems by one or two inches from the bottom to ensure better water intake.
Choose a vase and fill it with water.
Remove the leaves below the water level to prevent bacterial growth.
Add two tablespoon of Lemon Juice and sugar into the water.
Make sure to place the vase in indirect sunlight.
SKU Number
Product Reviews
14th Sep 2024
Occasion : Love & Romance
Seamless ordering and delivered on time. Messages written.
Mousumi Palit
28th Jul 2024
Occasion : Anniversary
Beautiful flower bouquet of 50 yellow roses. Thank you Flower Aura.