Liberate the power of love with our majestic bouquet of thirty ravishing red roses, elegantly wrapped in red non-woven paper and complemented by delicate white gypso fillers. These roses symbolize passion, devotion, and true love, making them a perfect gift for your significant other. Order now and express your undying love. You can send these roses on occasions like birthdays, anniversaries and also on Valentine's Day.
Caring Tips
Start by removing the bouquet wrapper.
Cut the stems by one or two inches from the bottom to ensure better water intake.
Choose a vase and fill it with water.
Remove the leaves below the water level to prevent bacterial growth.
Add two tablespoon of Lemon Juice and sugar into the water.
Make sure to place the vase in indirect sunlight.
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Product Reviews
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Vishakh Suresh
10th Aug 2023
Awesome product. Highly recommended ? ?
7th Feb 2021
Occasion : Rose Day
You guys are awesome you made my day...thanks for the Timely delivery